policy admin system

Innovation @ MassPrinting

One of the primary focuses for companies in the current Insurtech movement is successfully innovating. Innovation has become both a competitive differentiator and a checkbox as almost a necessity in today’s environment. As evidenced by the global participation at InsureTech Connect and within other regional Insurtech communities, there is no shortage of interest in new technologies for the Insurance Industry.

Improvement Should Be the Goal of Insurance Technology Solutions, Not Disruption

In a recent Coverager daily email, Clearcover CEO Kyle Nakatsuji was interviewed and asked his opinion on the most overused word in insurtech. His response was, “Disruption. The very term is competitor-focused, not customer-focused.”

He’s exactly right. We’ve actually been saying that for years. When we talk with insurance carriers, we never use the word disruption. That’s exactly what a carrier doesn’t want to hear. They don’t want anything to disrupt the policies their clients have in place.

Using APIs to Simplify Document Outsourcing Solutions

Two insurance carriers, Leatherstocking Cooperative Insurance Company in Cooperstown NY, and Panhandle Farmers Mutual Insurance in Moundsville WV, made the decision in 2016 to outsource all their print operations to MassPrinting. Though they approached us separately, both use the BriteCore policy admin system (PAS) managed by IWS in Springfield, MO. Prior to working with us, both carriers managed their print operations internally, so we needed to identify an outsourcing application for Leatherstocking and Panhandle that could work with the BriteCore policy system.