It’s a new year, and the new postage rates from the United States Postal Service will be going into effect on January 27, 2019. It is wise to review the changes now, as minor changes to rates can have a large impact on your total spend on policyholder communications. Carriers mailing flats weighing more than an ounce will see a significant savings with the new rates.
What Are the Changes?
While there are a number of new rates (full list can be found here), we have selected below the ones we believe to be most pertinent to you:
Letters (#10’s) : The AADC rate is increasing from $0.408 to $0.412, and the Mixed AADC rate is increasing from $0.424 to $0.428.
Will affect Invoices and Notices for all of our insurance clients.
Flats (9x12’s): The 5-Digit rate and the 3-Digit rates are mostly decreasing except for 1 ounce flats, which are increasing slightly (see schedule below).
Will affect New Business Policies and large renewals.
Parcel Select Ground: Increases for packages weighing between 1 and 6 pounds (see schedule below).
Will affect carriers mailing large/bulk packages to agents.
The certificate of mailing fee will increase from $0.40 to $0.41 and a meter mail charge increase of $0.47 to $0.50, results in a net increase of $0.04.
There will be a certified mail fee increase from $3.45 to $3.50 and the return receipt (electronic copy) from $1.50 to $1.60. The metered mail increase of $0.47 to $0.50 will add an additional $0.03 to each certified piece.
If you are a MassPrinting client and you have specific questions about the changes, feel free to contact us and we can walk through the implications with you.