Conventional thinking is that an enterprise level Business Continuity (BC) / Disaster Recovery (DR) solution is a very large, expensive undertaking.
But it doesn’t have to be.
Most insurance carriers know they need a BC/DR solution for print, but budget and resource constraints cause them to ignore the issue.
MassPrinting has the solution.
It's possible to implement a BC/DR solution for print operations and spend only $24,000 per year. For $2,000 per month, plus a one-time set-up fee of approximately $35,000, a BC/DR solution for print can be implemented in less than 2 months.
Implementation would not impact your current print operations and would only require minimal resources from your company.
With two test runs per year, BC/DR no longer needs to be a financial and operational conundrum. You can now have peace of mind that an interruption of print operations will never derail your business.
Contact us to learn more.